Sunday, April 20, 2014

Games that deserve to be on SNES: Skyrim

SNES is the perfect console. It lived on the fantastic 16-bit era, were the games weren't too simply so you could get bored easily, nor too advanced so you have to do a PhD to play properly. SNES games are just perfectly balanced between complex (challenging) and simple (fun / relaxing). Moreover, the console has a huge library of awesome games.
But the years passed and some other games came. Unfortunately, for these games, the developers decided to use other systems instead of the great SNES. Here's my homage to these good games that haven't the honor to be played on the greatest console of all time.

Another game that deserves a place on SNES is the fifth of the Elder Scrolls series: Skyrim!

This game mastered the medieval RPG gender. It provides the players exactly what they want, no matter what. If you like a "sandbox" game, with a huge open world, I got it on Skyrim; if you want just to follow the storyline and complete just the "main mission", fine, you can do it too! You can play on first-person view or third-person view, you can be a melee warrior, a archer, a magic user... a really good game.

Do you like Skyrim? Have another game that you wish you could play it on Super Nintendo?
And if you liked this post, please share! Thank you.

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