Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Games that deserve to be on SNES: Angry Birds

Hello everybody, today I'll start a new series of posts on my blog.

SNES is the perfect console. It lived on the fantastic 16-bit era, were the games weren't too simply so you could get bored easily, nor too advanced so you have to do a PhD to play properly. SNES games are just perfectly balanced between complex (challenging) and simple (fun / relaxing). Moreover, the console has a huge library of awesome games.
But the years passed and some other games came. Unfortunately, for these games, the developers decided to use other systems instead of the great SNES.
So here's my homage to these good games that haven't the honor to be played on the greatest console of all time.

Kicking off my list is Angry Birds!

I must confess I'm not a fan of this game, but I recognize his big valour. It was launched in this current extremily high-resolution 3D graphics and complicated gameplay era and showed the world what a game really needs to be: FUN.
Angry Birds didn't need the best graphics ever to become popular and it didn't need durty strategies to make their developers succesfull (rich). Angry Birds honors:

  • Simple game, simple graphics, huge fun factor.
  • No compulsory in-game purshases. This game is not like most "Freemium" games around. Yes, it offered some purshases and some ads, but they are not necessary and not much annoying.
  • This game has a beginning and an ending! Looks like a simple thing, but lots of the current mobile games now are "infinty runs", that doesn't has a plot, nor an ending, you just go and go, them share your score with your virtual "friends"... lame.

That's it guys, games are meant to give the players fun and their most important attribute is the REPLAY VALUE. Congratulations to Rovio, for such a good game, you deserved a place on SNES.

In this art, the screenshots on the back were made by Robert Penney and the back artwork was made by ijul.
View this cover on VGBoxArt.

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